This website has been written and intended for registered limited companies in the UK only.
The site contains general information and resources for limited companies only in financial trouble.
Insolvency Helpline work only work with limited companies to offer solutions for their business debt problems.
Insolvency Helpline cannot offer help or advice any other entity except limited companies.
Insolvency Helpline does not advise individuals, sole traders or partnerships seeking advice. If you are an individual, sole traders or partnership seeking advice, we recommend using an alternative service.
Specific advice is only obtained by contacting us directly to discuss a limited companies situation.
In the preparation of this site, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct and clearly expressed information possible. Nonetheless, inadvertent errors can occur and applicable laws, rules and regulations often change.
Information on Insolvency Helpline’s website is not intended for use without professional advice.
Insolvency Helpline will not accept any liability from a limited company that does not follow the advice supplied.
The contents of the site are to be used as general guidance only.
Information on this site is intended to afford general guidelines on matters of interest.
The application and impact of the laws can vary widely, however, from case to case, based upon the specific or unique facts involved. Accordingly, the information in this site is not intended to serve as legal, accounting, financial or tax advice.
Insolvency Helpline makes every effort to ensure the information is complete and accurate. Please note that the possibility of omissions and errors remain.
Insolvency Helpline cannot accept any liability for losses that have been incurred by limited companies that have fully relied on the information on this website.
The phone call discussions that are offered are for guidance purposes only and Insolvency Helpline advice team cannot accept liability from limited companies.
Introductions to third party services or support are done with due care and consideration on the part of Insolvency Helpline.
Insolvency Helpline cannot accept any liability for losses that may be incurred by anyone who chooses to follow advice given.
If your limited company is facing insolvency or any other related issues, we will recommend its seeks advice from experienced experts such as lawyers, turnaround practitioners or insolvency practitioners.
All advice obtained from the website or discussions with Insolvency Helpline Company Rescue over the phone or email will not be charged, unless the business becomes a full client.
All information received via the contact form will be completely secure and protected.
Details will not be handed to any third parties unless this has been agreed upon.
Insolvency Helpline advise limited companies to seek appropriate legal advice before being subject to legally binding contracts.
Insolvency Helpline cannot act as turnaround advisories in any capacity until an engagement letter has been signed by the client who follows a face to face meeting and the production of financial and solutions report.
Users are encouraged to consult with professional advisors for advice concerning specific matters before making any decision.
In the event of dispute all matters will be subject to the jurisdiction of English courts. This disclaimer and all terms and conditions on this site are governed by and to be construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
No part of the text or graphics on this site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, re-keying, or using any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Insolvency Helpline.
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